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My name's Kameron. I'm a tech-enthusiast and deep thinker, and I hope to use this space to bring some of my ideas to people like you. I like snowboarding, playing piano, reading, and most of all contributing to the world around me. I studied health-sciences in university, and I'm going to start my paramedic training soon.

My Story

I first got involved in the AI space passively as an interested observer in 2015. WaitbutWhy was crucial to introducing me to this fascinating and rapidly developing world. Even during my studies, I read hundreds of articles, reports, and books about AI, SpaceX, Fusion Power, and everything in between. My passion for these topics has never died, but I didn't know how to contribute meaningfully until recently. And now, AI is by far the most important of those.


While my education is in health-sciences, the interdisciplinary approach I developed during my degree has equipped me with a valuable perspective for grappling with the complex challenges and opportunities of AI. It wasn't just a science degree, it was a process of learning how to think and apply ideas from one field to another. There was a healthy mix of "harder" sciences like physiology and chemistry, but also social sciences, holistic health approaches, even philosophy. I learned how to bring ideas from all types of research together.


That said, I'm not a mathematician, or a physicist - the specifics and technicality is beyond me. But the ideas underlying everything are what has always brought me the most joy. I've found that as things change more and more quickly, that it's easy for many of us to get lost in the weeds of the here and now. That's why I started this website. Right now, it's just a blog. I hope that if you find my ideas have some merit, that we can work together to grow this into a more comprehensive community and build engagement more widely.


I'm always looking for new and exciting visions of the future.

Let's connect.

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